Sunday, March 18, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Just trying before I move to in a couple of days....of course now it's going to work now that I've re-registered the domain and paid for a movable type installation.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Moving again...

No, not houses, just websites. I'll post the new address here when I'm sure what it is.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Another Husky...

who's already pretty good in his own way. I hope he comes close to that on the field.

I read that in the paper last night but after reading some commentary on the dawgman message board, Mike Damone put it best when replying to some who said Locker was his hero...he said "The sick boy is my hero. Locker pales in comparison."

For some reason...

and I'll probably end up spending the afternoon figuring out why, I can't post from home. That's why the car repair post has nothing in it. The car runs great and Klaus is shipping on Monday dad.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

car repair...etc....

Favorite baseball team?

I might have to switch, or at least root for another. Read about Tim Lincecum.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

blonde jokes...

Today was kind of different, mainly being that it was a complete day off...not a chance of anything happening. I ended up using a different part of the grater this morning during breakfast and had potato chips with my eggs and chorizo instead of hash browns. I spent part of the afternoon talking with Victoria after asking her opinion on what I should plant in the areas I just cleaned. She gave me a climbing rose and suggested, or agreed with me on more of the same. She also nearly went hysterical when I asked her why the blonde was staring at the can of orange juice. I mean hysterical, and she's not really that type of person. I did have to explain to her what orange concentrate was and that took a bit of time, but once she got it, she "really" got it. I thought it was a silly joke, but she loved it and is hoping she can remember the English of it to try on a blonde male friend. I think I'm going to hire her to paint a portrait of me so don't be surprised if you get something in the mail dad.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


UW/UCLA is on tonight at 9 pm. A rare chance to watch the Dawgs and my favorite team aside from them, at least in basketball terms. John Wooden's the man in my book.

Today was fairly busy. Took a sample of the liquid that cools our transmitter this morning, which entails a lot more work than it should, at least if we want to pass, and believe me, we want to pass. Draining and refilling the the thing if it's contaminated is a major pain in the ass. Roger and I then went to some training on some AF software that might actually be useful.

I burned a steak and made some jo-jos and actually planted some flowers in the upstairs planters. I was going to plant spices, but all I could find was coriander and not many recipes I use call for that. Go Dawgs!!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Thanks Grandma

I had a nice long post written yesterday when blogger died. So, the car's fixed, the walk along the beach is nice and kind of pretty, it was clear yesterday morning and I did some gardening. I think it looks better. I used a lot more words yesterday.

And thanks Grandma, for teaching me to use butter to wash pitch off my hands. It worked perfectly.