Sunday, March 4, 2007

blonde jokes...

Today was kind of different, mainly being that it was a complete day off...not a chance of anything happening. I ended up using a different part of the grater this morning during breakfast and had potato chips with my eggs and chorizo instead of hash browns. I spent part of the afternoon talking with Victoria after asking her opinion on what I should plant in the areas I just cleaned. She gave me a climbing rose and suggested, or agreed with me on more of the same. She also nearly went hysterical when I asked her why the blonde was staring at the can of orange juice. I mean hysterical, and she's not really that type of person. I did have to explain to her what orange concentrate was and that took a bit of time, but once she got it, she "really" got it. I thought it was a silly joke, but she loved it and is hoping she can remember the English of it to try on a blonde male friend. I think I'm going to hire her to paint a portrait of me so don't be surprised if you get something in the mail dad.

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